workplace assessment
Ensuring an Inclusive and Productive Workplace
Our workplace assessments are designed to enhance the skills of neurodivergent and disabled employees and increase the productivity of your business.
Tailored to develop and improve the skills of neurodivergent and disabled employees
Workplace assessments help to identify your needs, establish solutions and help improve productivity. Assessments cover all neurodiverse, physical, neurological, and sensory conditions. The aim of the assessment is to identify the challenges and strengths of employees and subsequently recommend solutions that benefit both the employee and the employer.
What is a Workplace Needs Assessment?
YorLinc’s Workplace Needs Assessors recommend reasonable adjustments, equipment and support to ensure that employees get what they need to thrive in the workplace. Assessors identify the best value solutions to help overcome workplace barriers present in the short-term for the longer-term benefit of the employee and employer.
Assessment benefits
• Reasonable adjustments are a legal requirement under the Equality Act 2010.
• Ensure employee gets the adjustments they need to enable them to do their job.
• Support employers to understand what adjustments are available.
• Enhanced productivity for the individual and company.
• Higher recruitment and retention rates due to support arrangements.
• Reduced absenteeism.
What will be covered?
• Specific disability-related needs.
• Strengths.
• Challenges.
• Working environment.
• Review of any existing adjustments already in place.
• Working process and practices.
• Specialist equipment.
• Assistive Technology and training.
• Human support including awareness training and coaching.
• Travel and other suitable accommodations.
• Changes to working process and practices.
• Remote via video call or telephone.
• In-person assessments are available on request.
• Duration of assessments are approximately 1-2 hours depending on the complexity of needs.