study skills tutoring

Optimising Your Academic Performance

Study Skills Tutoring at YorLinc is designed to help you enhance and refine your academic abilities. If you’re eligible for this service through your DSA assessment, our expert tutors will work with you to improve your study.

What is Study Skills Tutoring?

Your Study Skills Tutor, also referred to as ‘non-medical helper’ or ‘Support Worker,’ is awarded to you if you are deemed eligible for this service in your DSA assessment. The Support Worker aims to enhance and improve your academic skills and strengths, identifying areas which require improvement, as well as identifying and expanding on your current educational strengths.

There are two types of Study Skills Tutoring which we provide:
· Study Skills SpLD (Specific Learning Differences).
· Study Skills ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition).

By booking in with your tutor, you can delve into various techniques and skills which improve your work/life balance, as well as reframe how you approach your studies.

Study Skills Tutoring can teach you how to:

  • Manage deadlines.
  • Organise your time effectively.
  • Apply for extensions.
  • Write an effective intro or conclusion.
  • Take effective notes in seminars/lectures.
  • Write for different styles of assignments.
  • Revise and plan productively.
  • Paraphrase effectively.

…and many more academic areas! Discussions with your Support Worker will clarify what it is you need help with specifically. Each session is tailored to the individual student, offering a wide range of skills to learn and develop.

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The sessions have been very helpful as they are always based around what I need at the time and I can be in charge of the length of them.

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My tutor has been helpful and supportive with my needs. I feel heard and valued. My academic work has improved and my stress levels have reduced.

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They’ve helped break down my to-do list into manageable chunks.

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Through the Study Skills Tutor sessions I have] Been able to explore more revision techniques that are suited for me. Helped to think critically.

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