
How can you get ready for your assessment?

You should ensure that you bring the right equipment with you to your assessment, including reading glasses and a hearing aid if necessary. If you use a hearing aid, the assessor may require a note detailing the model of device.

You may need to bring reading glasses or a hearing aid to your assessment. Find out what else you can do to be prepared.

It is also recommended to bring the following:

  • Your timetable (if available).
  • Sample of notes made in class.
  • Sample of work, if possible with tutor comments that exemplify typical feedback.
  • A note of the specification (make and model, processing speed, RAM) of any existing personal computer equipment.

To ensure you get the most out of your assessment, you are advised to give some thought to the following:

  • How your course is delivered.
  • Any difficulties you have encountered due to your disability during prior work or education.
  • What strategies/support methods were helpful in approaching these difficulties.
  • Differences in your higher education studies which may present new challenges (bigger classes, faster delivery of information, greater emphasis on independent study and research, etc.)
  • Whether you will need to use online resources and/or specific software and equipment.
  • How you will be assessed (exams, essays, presentations, portfolios, etc.)
  • Frequency and duration of field trips and/or work placements.
  • If your course involves workshops or studio sessions, what computer platform is used (Windows, Apple, etc.)
  • Any questions you wish to ask.

We are here to help

You should ensure that you bring the right equipment with you to your assessment, including reading glasses and a hearing aid if necessary. If you use a hearing aid, the assessor may require a note detailing the model of device.

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